3 Travel Tips to Always Travel With the Proper Documents

Airlines provide consumers with general information on travel documentation, such as when a valid passport is required. However, they usually do not provide specific information based on the consumer’s individual circumstances. Consumers are generally responsible for finding out what travel documents they need.
Use these travel tips to make sure you are never caught traveling with the wrong travel documents or information.
Travel Tip #1: Information Travel Agents Are Required To Tell You
In Ontario, all registered travel agents must by law disclose to customers what travel documents are needed for each person travelling and that information must be provided to the customer prior to making a booking. Ontario’s travel agencies are also required by law to provide information in writing on the receipt or invoice they issue to the customer at the time of purchase.
Travel Tip #2: Do Your Homework For Your Travel Protection
To avoid problems, all consumers should check the entry requirements for the country they are visiting. Many countries have different entry and departure requirements so it is always best to make sure you do your research. Also don’t be afraid to ask your travel agent if there is something you are unsure about or don’t understand.
Travel Tip #3: Book with a TICO Registered Travel Agency to Protect Your Travel Investment
To verify if a travel agency or website is TICO registered, check our online directory.
Take the TICO Traveller Quiz to see what type of traveller you are.
Sign up to receive quarterly travel consumer protection email updates.
For more travel tips and information, visit the Smart Traveller Guide.
All travel agencies and websites located and operating in Ontario are regulated by TICO. Registered travel agencies and websites provide additional consumer protection for your travel investment that may not be available when booking with travel agencies and websites based in other countries or provinces. For more information about how TICO helps, click here.
Any questions can be directed to tico@tico.ca or 1-888-451-TICO (8426).