Advisory: Reminder - Don't forget to register for Winter 2021 webinar sessions!
TICO’s “Preparing the Verification Statement” Webinar Sessions are still available!
This webinar is an in-depth review of how to prepare the “Verification Statement”, along with other current legislated requirements. The webinar is useful for registrants and their accountants and/or bookkeepers.
Remaining webinar dates for Winter 2021 are as follows:
Thursday, March 4 2pm - 3pm Register here
Wednesday, March 17 10am – 11am Register here
When registering, you are required to enter TICO Retail or Wholesale unique registrant number. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
TICO’s "Financial Compliance" Webinar Sessions are still available!
This webinar is beneficial to all Ontario Travel Agencies. It covers topics under the legislation which must be followed by all. Managers and individuals responsible for financial compliance under the Travel Industry Act and the Regulations would receive the most benefit from attendance.
Remaining webinar dates for Winter 2021 are as follows:
Monday, March 22 2pm - 3pm Register here
When registering, you are required to enter TICO Retail or Wholesale unique registrant number. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Should you have any questions, please contact Vera Nedbal, Financial Compliance Inspector (905) 624-6241 ext. 234 or toll free at 1-888-451-8426 ext. 234.