Minister's Orders

On August 11, 2023, the Chair of the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO) Board of Directors received a letter from the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery, outlining five orders for the organization: 

  • Minister's Order 1 - Size of Board - click here
  • Minister's Order 2 - Competency Criteria - click here
  • Minister's Order 3 - Maximum Percentage of Board Members - click here
  • Minister's Order 4 - Establishing Rules - click here
  • Minister's Order 5 - Advisory Council - click here

For more information, please read TICO's advisory or watch our informational webinar


TICO Annual General Meeting 2024

TICO will host its Annual General Meeting virtually on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 5 pm. A registration link will be shared in advance of the meeting on this page. For more information, please click here


Call for Nominations: TICO Board of Directors

TICO's Board of Directors accepted applications from experienced leaders within and beyond the travel industry for two positions on the board:

  • One (1) Industry Director (who is involved in the travel industry); and
  • One (1) Public Director (who has no direct personal or business interest in the travel industry).

The application period closed at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 12, 2024.

Directors will be elected for three-year terms at TICO’s Annual Meeting on September 24, 2024.


Areas of Governance 


TICO Board of Directors 

Please note, the dates listed below for each Director represent the current term on the Board. 

Ministerial Appointments

Ministerial Appointments

Elected Industry Directors

Elected Industry Directors

Elected Public Directors

Elected Public Directors



Michael Levinson
Richard Smart
President & Chief Executive Officer

Dorian Werda
Chief Operating Officer

Tracey McKiernan, LL.B.
General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

Richard Smart


Statutory Appointments

Dorian Werda
Statutory Registrar
Travel Industry Act, 2002
Michael Pepper
Statutory Director
Travel Industry Act, 2002